Nautical mile per hour (knot) Speed Unit
A Nautical mile per hour also known as "knot" is a unit of speed commonly used in navigation and aviation. It is equivalent to one nautical mile per hour, where a nautical mile is a unit of distance used in sea and air travel. One knot is approximately equal to 1.15078 miles per hour (1.852 kilometers per hour). This unit is particularly useful for measuring the speed of ships and aircraft, as it takes into account the curvature of the Earth and provides a more accurate representation of speed over long distances. The term "knot" has its roots in the historical practice of measuring a ship's speed by using a rope with knots tied at regular intervals and a piece of wood called a "log" thrown overboard. The number of knots that passed through a sailor's hands in a specific time period determined the ship's speed in knots. Today, this method has evolved into more modern and accurate instruments, but the term "knot" continues to be used to represent speed in nautical and aviation contexts.